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adventured on Nov 16, 2017 | hide | past | favorite

Why is this featured on Hacker News?

and the demographics of the offenders are.....?

I've heard that it's the Swedish government itself that is hiding those answers. Can that accusation be substantiated?

Yes, it can. There are still people on the ground in Sweden with cell phones, like PeterSweden[0].

[0]: https://twitter.com/PeterSweden7/

This is important and often omitted information by journos.

When you want to push an agenda, doing it by omission is the easiest way.

Yesterday's Chinese Social Media propaganda article is an interesting application of this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15708560

From the article:

"survey contains no answers as to why a certain type of crime increases, and analysis is needed to improve understanding of the reasons for the increase, it said."

I'm guessing the average Swede has already done this "analysis" but hey, you can never have too many high paid think tanks :)

and the assumption that demographics rather than socioeconomic background drives people's behavior is called... ? (Hint: starts with "b" and ends in "bigotry")

Being poor makes you rape. It's logic.

If you won't start commenting civilly and substantively we'll ban this account like the others.


Being foreign makes you rape. It's logic.

How about: "we don't even know who the alleged rapists are, so maybe we shouldn't form an opinion on their skin color being different before we jump to conclusions"?

It also obviously excuses your behavior regardless of what you do.

Let's say you're a selfmade man with working class background parents, and you worked two jobs while going to school, and now operate and run your own business, making enough money to support your family and have a nice life.

Apparently, because someone comes from a different socioeconomic background, they're entitled to take whatever they want from you.

It's logic.

Wow, nice way to setup a really weak straw man! It's got the whole self-made man story there just for extra "relatable" points. Amazing job!

I didn't realize that now pointing something out is condoning it. Would you say that by pointing out demographics might be playing a factor, the original poster was condoning their behavior?

>> Fewer than half of the crimes in the survey were reported to the police.

That really gets to me. I find all reported of non-reported crimes to be very untrustworthy. Police at least know what is and is not a crime. Often police are confronted by people who believe themselves victims, but who are in fact not. A person can feel wronged, a person can even be injured, without any crime taking place. If we draw statistics from unreported crimes then we are relying upon lay opinion in an area open to mistake.

I met a nice young male Syrian refugee at a German train station two years ago, he told me he was going to Sweden. Syrians are now at the top of foreign criminal suspects (15% of all incidents involving foreigners) (excluding violations of immigration law) in Germany, second are Afghans (8.4%), then Turks (7.8%, they were at 22.2% in 2009, by now most of them are counted as "German"). The total number of incidents involving foreigners has risen by 56% between 2015 and 2016.

If you include violations of immigration law 40.4% of all suspects in Germany are now foreign, if you don't then it is 30.5%, ten years ago those numbers were 22.0% and 19.4% respectively, that is there has been a massive increase of suspected criminal activity by foreigners and violations of immigration law in particular.

Lots more interesting information can be found here:(https://www.bka.de/DE/AktuelleInformationen/StatistikenLageb...).

> violations of immigration law in particular.

Keep in mind that crossing the border to apply for asylum is a violation in immigration law itself. It's not usually prosecuted but it appears in the stats. It's also a crime that can only be committed by foreigners. See the explicit mention of that fact in the report "Der Anstieg der Tatverdächtigenzahlen bei den nichtdeutschen Tatverdächtigen liegt in der hohen Anzahl der ausländerrechtlichen Verstöße (z.B. unerlaubte Einreise und unerlaubter Aufenthalt) im Zusammenhang mit Migrationsströmen begründet." (page 20, band 3)

(edit:) Also, more generally, keep in mind that the PKS is a statistic of charges filed by and to the police and not a statistic of prosecutions or trials or convictions, making it of questionable value for most assertions unless carefully controlled. An uptick may in certain fields is often partially caused by an increased willingness to report to the police, a prime example is sexual violence: people are (rightfully) more willing to report sexualized violence since the stigma for the victim has become lower.

In numbers: Illegal entry 167.536, illegal residence 217.683. If you report your intention to seek asylum at the border that is not illegal. If you enter without permission this is indeed a violation, but according to the numbers it was not really prosecuted or even registered for much of 2015-2016.

It’s not prosecuted, true, but the PKS is not the statistics about prosecuted crimes, it’s about reported crimes. That’s all the police can track because it’s not the polices job to decide what’s prosecuted or not. And at least the Bavarian authorities have been reporting illegally entry. (Which is fine by me, it’s just very important to keep in mind what the numbers actually mean when throwing them around)

IIRC, it's against the law in Sweden to report on the demographics of crimes committed there.

Everybody knows, but nobody is allowed to say it. This only makes both problems worse.

You do not remember correctly, I think.

It's simply omitted from the governments own statistics, and the police do not record ethnicity and such in their official reports.

That said, of course the above has essentially the same effect as it being against the law.

And it's obviously ludicrous - the more data one has, the more rational decisions one can make as a politician charged with representing the people.

Removing data points is pure lunacy in a functional democracy.

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