I’ve been hacking on a Twitter client that batches your tweets and lets you consume them in a more pull-oriented daily digest format, with the ability to customize rules for which subset of tweets get included in the digest. In my personal usage I’ve found that this makes Twitter feel more like a manageable RSS feed, and limits the impact on my attention because I only get updates once a day. Is this something people would be interested in using if I released it? Any feedback on the idea?
Except I actually just have Twitter via a RSS feed. I wrote some code that generates RSS from Twitter lists and I consume it and filter it just the same as any other RSS feeds.
Yes! I've toyed with the idea of building exactly this (except I'd do it for Facebook and Instagram, too) for around a year. I didn't really have time to devote to it though, so I've just kind of ended up not using social media anymore.
Part of me relishes that I no longer have that distraction, but another part of me feels guilty for eliminating that personal cost at the expense of reduced interaction with loved ones. (Our personal relationships have been co-opted for ad revenue -- what a time to be alive.)
I would love to just get an email once a week with a digest of stuff I've configured it to care about.
I do something similar with TweetDeck and Twitter lists. By building lists of about 20 people per topic, I get a streamlined view of the topic that's not overwhelming.
I am apparently in the vast minority as there seems to be no decent mobile app supporting lists effectively. I'm not sure if it's even possible given Twitter's token policies, and unfortunately they killed off TweetDeck's mobile ambitions an eternity ago.
TLDR I would love a mobile app that embraces Twitter lists as much as Tweetdeck does on the desktop.
Sounds interesting. I'm a long-time RSS user and never made the jump to twitter. My gripe with twitter is that it seems like there is too much noise and too little signal. I suppose at this point my RSS has a lot of noise, but I'm perhaps more attuned at how to filter it out (but I do it heuristically).
I used a twitter digest for a while. I found it frustrating. Most tweets are part of a larger conversation thread which aren't visible in a digest. I found myself opening more than half the tweets in a digest individually to read the whole conversation.
Try as I might, I just don't spend enough time actively using Twitter to make it all that interactive, but I'd still like the ability to catch up in a read-only manner.