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>In other words, from Day 1, it was designed to be an abuse and harassment engine.

Yeah, you are stretching those words a bit too much. It was designed for normal people to be able to get in touch with famous people or vice versa. Some people misuse it and harass famous people. There's plenty of good that has come because of it as well.

> It was designed for normal people to be able to get in touch with famous people or vice versa

Not so sure about this. Wasn't it just designed to broadcast messages among people who knew each other. The celeb focus came later.

I'd also say it doesn't help that your onboarding focuses greatly on what celebs you're going to engage with on the service.

I'm not stretching those words; the entire thing (including the "abuse and harassment engine" bit) is a direct quote from Jeff Vogel.

I recommend considering the idea within the context of the entire blog post, which is the other reason I shared the link.

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