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Show HN: Minimalistic “Fork Me on GitHub.” (github.com/muhammadmuzzammil1998)
3 points by muzzammildotxyz on Oct 23, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I wonder about the use of a non-standard HTML tag, <github>. It works for styling purpose, and personally I don't have an issue with it - but it may put off some people due to it being "invalid" HTML..?

Yeah I don't get the point of that. Why not just a class name on the anchor you need anyway?

I can see the novelty of it ("Look at my fancy <github> tag!"), but it would definitely be more helpful if it used a standard HTML element (preferably <div>). I've personally opted for this implementation on my own projects: https://github.com/tholman/github-corners, which are just SVGs which makes it super portable.

I don't think even a div is necessary - yours is pretty succinct: an anchor and an image. It could potentially even just be an anchor with text and let css hide the text, apply the image etc.

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