No. It is absolutely enough in our current legal interpretations.
"I saw naasking communing with Satan, I swear it" is enough to get you put in prison or to a death sentence in the US. We like to think we are beyond the days of witch trials, but a few weeks in a courtroom would change your mind.
Trying to change that legal interpretation is going to be very difficult. Many crimes have very little physical evidence, even the interpretations of physical evidence we have are horribly bad because of biased expert witnesses and broken crime labs. Moreso, any push for better physical evidence will get more pushback from voters that are "Tough on crime", which is a very strong voting block in the US.
No. It is absolutely enough in our current legal interpretations.
"I saw naasking communing with Satan, I swear it" is enough to get you put in prison or to a death sentence in the US. We like to think we are beyond the days of witch trials, but a few weeks in a courtroom would change your mind.
Trying to change that legal interpretation is going to be very difficult. Many crimes have very little physical evidence, even the interpretations of physical evidence we have are horribly bad because of biased expert witnesses and broken crime labs. Moreso, any push for better physical evidence will get more pushback from voters that are "Tough on crime", which is a very strong voting block in the US.