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Why do people fumble at Subway? (submitmy.info)
4 points by pheath on July 26, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I'd like to make my own suggestion: Lighten up and post more quality submissions that are more applicable to HN, instead of your own blogged rants about how people order sandwiches.

PS: Note you didn't include whether or not you wanted your sub toasted in the provided one-liner. It's so annoying when people don't say that up front. Get my drift?

Bah this assumes that order takers are competent, which is a mighty big assumption. Plenty of times I've been somewhere and ordered X, optons 2,5 and 7, side a, b, drink d. The order taker then proceeded to say "would you like options 1-8"? Howabout sides a, b, c, d? Drink?

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