Can you take a look at my site,, and let me know what you think. It is a "reddit", but just for sports. I am a sports fan and interesting stories are hard to find, so I decided to make a site to solve that problem.
As an interesting footnote, the site should seem familiar, because it is written in Arc and is based on news.arc, the same code that powers this site.
General complaint not directed to you, but to many:
Lots of people say this is MY fault. I am still 800 x 600 because of vision problems. This works perfectly for me all the time except when I encounter a web page that is hard coded to a large resolution (like yours). This happens more and more often and drives me nuts with all the horizontal scrolling. I would have left your page, but I loved the content.
Why not check the browser's resolution and adjust the css, or simply use tables? Maybe I'm old school, but I just don't believe this should be the customer's fault (or problem).