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1. I would make sure to get your main domain setup before showing to any potential buyers the wixsite domain makes it look like a smaller or brand new company vs. appearing much larger than you are. 2. Same goes for the @gmail.com contact email. 3. The Logo seems a bit weak, I would think about using a tool such as Snappa to create a solid / polished one or 99Designs. 4. The main CTA "Call-To-Action" should be focused on the customer and not the "Sunflower Power System" tagline... A more benefit focused statement for the prospect. 5. I would consider blurring the image too, it detracts from the prospect reading the CTA first. 6. As gus_massa said, the photos are a must as well as making sure it does not say "Out-Of-Stock", I would consider saying something along the lines of "Pre-Order" if no stock exists yet or get on "Get on Waiting List". 7. The link under "Contact Us" is very misleading. What do you want accomplish with the prospect? Requesting a quote, a phone call, a pre-order, etc? Make sure your CTA is clear with the one at the top of the page. It keeps the sales message clear. 8. I would change this to a more clear CTA of what you want to accomplish: "And if you feel like it, just fill our 5-min survey!". 9. Having the TypeForm link not attached to a HTML button seems sloppy, I would add a CTA button such as "Request a Quote". 10. The color of the contact button blends in too much, I would make a brand color accent that really pops against your base brand color. 11. Make it clear what a prospect can expect for the subscribe button, right now what is it in for them? I would say something like "To get updates about Sunflower System and news about product developments please subscribe below". 12. The site counter seems very 1990/2000. You want to position yourself to look like a huge company even as a start-up. Especially with this vertical in the market. 13. For the learn more I would develop a whitepaper proving the technology. 14. I would also add testimonials and pictures of the units installed at various sites you have them to build additional trust with the prospects.

This seems like a tremendous value you've provided. Unfortunately a new line on HN requies two new lines (one blank), or you can indent two spaces to switch to <pre>-ish mode.

Thank you for letting me know, I am new to HN.

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