That still seems to be at odds with "We do NOT keep any logs that can identify or help in monitoring a user's activity."
If they were ordered to keep some logs, they should say "We do NOT keep any logs that can identify or help in monitoring a user's activity, except in the event that we have been ordered to do so."
Since PureVPN is committed to freedom, and doesn't support crime,
we will only share information with authorities having valid subpoenas,
warrants, other legal documents or with alleged victims having clear proof of any such activity.
So I think it's likely they would link connection records back to individual users, and if you did that enough times (perhaps only 2 or 3 occurances?), you'd know which individual user was responsible without any detailed logs?
I agree, "No logs" means they don't / can't respond to blanket DMCA style "identify this user" generic requests.
It doesn't mean they'll go to court to protect your identity in a criminal case, you'd be very foolish to expect any company you're paying $10 a month for to do that for you as an individual.
Both claims are in the first paragraph of the privacy policy though, if you don't read even the first paragraph of a privacy policy for a service you're buying to get privacy, I don't know what you'd expect!