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> MS has actually been in the <X> business longer than <current dominant player>, when their myriad product lines are taken into account.

> That said, they didn't execute well.

Generalizable to most things Microsoft is involved in.

Their business model is largely a shotgun approach: Go for a plethora of services and products then see what sticks.

Their main problem is that conceive the service as value added for the platform, which is basically non existent now except for Xbox.

If they instead spun off a group of engineers and allowed them to create a great streaming service with no restrictions or handcuffs because windows or office or IE or whatever is being pushed this month, and then use the platform as a value added for the service you would get much better result IMHO.

That would mean develop for every mobile OS + windows and osx as a minimum from the start, not as an afterthought. No windows live or whatever it is called now ( linkable if you want), etc. Things Microsoft would never approve.

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