I gave Class Central a try and searched for Kubernetes. First, it took quite a while to load, up to the point I was thinking the site was down. Then I had difficulty finding the tiny search button located at the top. When I started typing, a list of courses started appearing, but hitting the blue button List All returned me back to the home page. I tried for a second time and hit Enter instead, which presented me a list. Then a very annoying Popup appeared that I could not dismiss for at least 10seconds how much I tried hitting the X. This popup later appeared several more times, then the dismiss worked immediate. The top listed item was an advertisement that was a. not related b. almost not discernible as an advertisement. I clicked on the third item and came to this page https://www.class-central.com/institution/linuxfoundation which wasn't what I looked for, I probably hit the wrong link with my finger as links are very close to each other. Went back and now more carefully hit the correct link. It looked interesting so I hit the big green button only to be greeted by my browser that This page was blocked because of a filter, at which point I gave up.
I suggest Class Central that they hire themselves a proper UX designer.