DDG: http://duckduckgo.com/?q=iirc
Gives me an IRC server written in Java - which didn't expect to be of use for Tumblr; Interactive Illinois Report Card which doesn't make any sense. I also checked google.. typed in define:IIRC and then I actually got the result of "if i remember correctly", but by then my brain had become so sure that it was some sort of technology that I dismissed that result right away.
Well, you can call me stupid or a bad researcher, but it was an honest question which was asked after I had honestly tried to find the answer to in another manner.
Yes it does. And I find myself re-searching in Google about 30% of the time. But for semi-common search terms you get the result right there on the page, instead of having to click through to another page - and sometime something interesting even pops up.
But I also want to give another search engine a shot and since it's hard to get people to switch engines, I figured I didn't want to be like the old guy from Frasier who always needs to have his ugly-ass chair just because his brain is so used to it.
S3 for image serving.
Backend is written in PHP, IIRC.