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You see it as enforced generosity.

Nah, it's not a matter of perspective, because that's exactly what it is. Citizens are motivated to pay their taxes through fear of the consequences of disobeying the law. Thus, generosity that is forced on a citizen via taxes is ultimately fear-based (not compassion-based) generosity.

Others see it as general societal obligation to take care of its members

Which is why we Americans have started and serve in hundreds of thousands of private organizations from churches to food banks to shelters to clothing charities and more, and many are quite effective at providing in times of need. If I was hit by similar circumstances, I would go to one of these already-existing institutions and seek aid.

It's unfortunate that you're unable to even imagine that some people see paying taxes--for this purpose specifically, even--as an obligation, however much they may grumble about waste and "lost" income.

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