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The tool that's "perfected the feed" for me is mps-youtube.

This is a console-based audio- and video-playing tool which allows me to:

1. Search for content.

2. View detailed information.

3. Search by user or YouTube playlist.

4. Selective add or remove items from a current playlist.

5. Save and manage multiple named playlists.

6. Queue up large sets of content to be accessed. Including audio-only, in background (my preferred mode).

7. Works on Android via Termux.

8. Keyboard playback controls to skip, jump, play, pause, speed, or slow playback. (Similar to mplayer's if you're familiar with those.)

9. No ads.

10. No comments.

11. No recommended "fail", "dash-cam", or "blackhead" crap. That corner of YouTube.

It's everything I've wished YouTube was, and that it isn't.


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