I'm getting it from the inanity of pointing it out in a sample C++ code in a post announcing a new FFI lib.
It's something people can write 100000 line programs and rarely care about to check. So quite far from the first concern that one should have when writing a sample 2 line function to showcase an FFI helper.
In other words, it's as relevant as someone saying 1+1=2 casually and someone pointing out in all pomposity that "actually the representation depends on the base of the number system, in binary it would be 1+1=10".
You read the joke as if it was a comic book guy skit in the Simpsons, but I intended to convey it more like a Sideshow Bob & rake situation. "Ok, let's make a C++ extension" blam "Grml grml grml..."
I guess it depends if your expectations are those of a Python programmer or those of a C++ programmer.
> I guess it depends if your expectations are those of a Python programmer or those of a C++ programmer.
That's a very good point, especially since there are people in this thread looking for using Pybind11 to speed up their existing Python code. They should be aware of the serious risks to correctness if they naively reimplement their Python code in C++. (People who regularly write in C or C++, we would hope, have heard this a thousand times before.)
I'm getting it from the inanity of pointing it out in a sample C++ code in a post announcing a new FFI lib.
It's something people can write 100000 line programs and rarely care about to check. So quite far from the first concern that one should have when writing a sample 2 line function to showcase an FFI helper.
In other words, it's as relevant as someone saying 1+1=2 casually and someone pointing out in all pomposity that "actually the representation depends on the base of the number system, in binary it would be 1+1=10".