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B2 is not a replacement for the backup service, though possibly it could be hacked to serve as one.

How about releasing a backblaze protocol spec or the client source code? That way us Linux fans can roll our own.

> How about releasing a backblaze protocol spec...

That is all described here: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/

Now the Mac & Windows Backblaze backup client uses those protocols, but for full disclosure ALSO still uses one or two additional old legacy protocols. But our intention is to move entirely over to using the new B2 protocols, and if it is not possible we plan to extend the B2 protocols to make it possible.

One example is that the Macintosh Backblaze backup client has available the ability to push up to 1,000 individual small files in a single protocol request. (The individual setup and tear down of HTTPS for 1 or 2 or 3 byte files hurts performance.) So we'll be adding that to the "official" B2 protocols.

Cool, thank you!

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