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Suggestions: Todoist
4 points by matthjensen on Aug 20, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Allow users to toggle whether comments are displayed in the project view so they may scan all tasks and comments at once. Also, allow line breaks in tasks.

I keep track of life with a notebook and a computer. When I am away from the computer, I write my ideas and thoughts in the notebook, as they come to me, in as much detail as I feel like setting down. When I am in the flow, it feels like I am spilling my creativity onto paper. Later, in a dedicated block of time, I review the notes and move the worthy ones to Todoist. In this processing stage, I also edit, rewrite, categorize, assign due-dates, and otherwise organize my lists.

The problem arises when I am at my computer. At my computer, I want to cut out the middleman -- my notebook -- and spill my thoughts directly into Todoist and process them later. At spill time, my notes are often quite convoluted, and they certainly aren’t distilled or edited. Editing while I write breaks the flow of my creativity.

Tasks themselves don’t allow line breaks, and so content flows into the comments. Often, the information in the comments is more informative than what’s in that initial title.

But when it comes time for processing, it is tediously difficult to access the valuable information in the comments because I have to click into each task before I can see the comments.

The root cause of my problem is that tasks do not allow line breaks or other simple formatting, and so I can’t write down information in the task itself. Given that limitation, I need to be able to view my comments from the project view. I recommend making both changes, they would dramatically improve my productivity.

Any specific reason you do not use note-taking apps like Evernote or OneNote?

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