3. Deployed Scripting Media Types and Compatibility
Various unregistered media types have been used in an ad-hoc fashion
to label and exchange programs written in ECMAScript and JavaScript.
These include:
| text/javascript | text/ecmascript |
| text/javascript1.0 | text/javascript1.1 |
| text/javascript1.2 | text/javascript1.3 |
| text/javascript1.4 | text/javascript1.5 |
| text/jscript | text/livescript |
| text/x-javascript | text/x-ecmascript |
| application/x-javascript | application/x-ecmascript |
| application/javascript | application/ecmascript |
And along these lines: javascript modules automatically turn strict mode on, so most people will just be on the "new" (strict) version of javascript once modules are popular.
Behold one of the implementational details that emerged out of this language that was indeed "designed in 2 weeks":
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4329: https://www.quirksmode.org/js/intro.html (from circa 2007, when it was trendy to NOT date webpages shakes fist):> JavaScript versions
> There have been several formal versions of JavaScript.
> 1.0: Netscape 2
> 1.1: Netscape 3 and Explorer 3 (the latter has bad JavaScript support, regardless of its version)
> 1.2: Early Version 4 browsers
> 1.3: Later Version 4 browsers and Version 5 browsers
> 1.4: Not used in browsers, only on Netscape servers
> 1.5: Current version.
> 2.0: Currently under development by Brendan Eich and others.
The link above points to a bit of interesting general discussion about versioning, and isn't as dense as the RFC.