Honestly as a self taught dev with no professional experience your repos aren't going to impress anyone, but github activity will.
Put together working projects and deploy them, make it easy for someone to see what you've built. Provide evidence that you are capable of working with external APIs and common frameworks.
I am self taught and landed my first job pretty easy with just a basic portfolio site, and a few FreeCodeCamp projects that were deployed on digital ocean.
I am now involved in hiring with my company and very rarely do I see an impressive repo let alone an active github, but whenever I see someone consistently committing they always end up with an interview and more often than not end up with a position.
Put together working projects and deploy them, make it easy for someone to see what you've built. Provide evidence that you are capable of working with external APIs and common frameworks.
I am self taught and landed my first job pretty easy with just a basic portfolio site, and a few FreeCodeCamp projects that were deployed on digital ocean.
I am now involved in hiring with my company and very rarely do I see an impressive repo let alone an active github, but whenever I see someone consistently committing they always end up with an interview and more often than not end up with a position.