You use quotes to show that I said something but I did no such thing.
> Maybe the poster just has ignorant friends/family and really doesn't know any better.
That's quite possibly true. But regardless, at least they don't stoop to putting words in my mouth that I never used in that particular order and with that particular goal.
> Maybe they have opinions right now that they're going to be really embarrassed about in 10-20 years.
Let's hope not, it would be painful for all involved.
> But if you immediately group them together with people like Hitler
Well, when Neo Nazis walk the land waving flags and re-living the past as much as they can invoking Hitler is fair game.
Mind you: The pre World War II Nazis of old (and their sympathizers) to some extent could be forgiven because they could claim they had no idea what it all would lead to.
But the present day Nazis and their sympathizers have no such excuse.
> So I have to wonder what is even the utility of such posts except to signal to others which camp you're in.
To try to convince someone to see things in a slightly different light. And if you had been reading this thread with a bit more attention you could see some of that at work. It's not going to be a large change but speaking out about this stuff is the least that we can do.
>You use quotes to show that I said something but I did no such thing.
No, I explicitly stated that I was grouping your posts in with others that seem similar to me (and acknowledged that I could be in error on that).
>But regardless, at least they don't stoop to putting words in my mouth that I never used in that particular order and with that particular goal.
You're a software developer, right? So think a bit more abstract. I suspect my point fits to things you've written in this thread.
>Let's hope not, it would be painful for all involved.
Why? Thinking stupid things is part of growing up. The much more important bit is eventually correcting as many of those things as possible.
>But the present day Nazis and their sympathizers have no such excuse.
Here we're in agreement. If someone identifies as a Nazi then the game changes. But I just see a lot of e.g. Trump supporters right now that I can't shake the feeling that they're not being evil they're just ignorant on a lot of things the rest of us aren't.
>It's not going to be a large change but speaking out about this stuff is the least that we can do.
Please don't take my replies as trying to shut you down. My point is entirely about tone. Nothing else.
> Maybe the poster just has ignorant friends/family and really doesn't know any better.
That's quite possibly true. But regardless, at least they don't stoop to putting words in my mouth that I never used in that particular order and with that particular goal.
> Maybe they have opinions right now that they're going to be really embarrassed about in 10-20 years.
Let's hope not, it would be painful for all involved.
> But if you immediately group them together with people like Hitler
Well, when Neo Nazis walk the land waving flags and re-living the past as much as they can invoking Hitler is fair game.
Mind you: The pre World War II Nazis of old (and their sympathizers) to some extent could be forgiven because they could claim they had no idea what it all would lead to.
But the present day Nazis and their sympathizers have no such excuse.
> So I have to wonder what is even the utility of such posts except to signal to others which camp you're in.
To try to convince someone to see things in a slightly different light. And if you had been reading this thread with a bit more attention you could see some of that at work. It's not going to be a large change but speaking out about this stuff is the least that we can do.