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Show HN: I wrote a script to perform a “replay attack” on the Bitcoin network
2 points by freework on Aug 8, 2017 | hide | past | favorite
To install, run: pip install moneywagon

and to perform the action:

moneywagon network-replay btc bch latest --verbose

That replays all transactions from the latest BTC block to the BCH network. You can also replay in the other direction:

moneywagon network-replay bch btc latest --verbose

It seems that the BCH devs did a good job of implementing replay protection, because every block I've tried to replay has failed. Maybe this tool can be useful when another currency tries to hard fork and they may not get replay protection quite right.

The code is here: https://github.com/priestc/moneywagon/blob/master/moneywagon....

Output of running the script looks like this: https://gist.github.com/priestc/09c945cad4ebeaa3f8a35deed1f5...

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