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Disney to pull movies from Netflix, plans launch of ESPN, Disney streaming (reuters.com)
1 point by mudil on Aug 8, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Gah how fractured is the streaming market going to get? Netflix is really declining in good content.

Streaming is moving from what Netflix was years ago, to a model where the distributor is the producer. The distribution part is comparatively easy, especially for a firm like Disney that already owns and runs content distribution outlets.

A diversified market for every distributor another platform isn't going to work. I recon people are not willing to take more than 3/5 subscriptions for watching their movies / series. And what if you want to watch that single movie, you need to go and buy that one, or do they offer a platform where you can rent / stream that one movie?

I don't really know, iTunes maybe?

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