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Ask HN: Blogging?
3 points by emcf on Aug 8, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
I am looking for some serious way to make money. I have seen lots of people are producing videos posting online, blogging and writing stuff about anything. Can blogging make serious money? How should I start to earn living online?

Blogging is among the worst ways to make serious money.

The typical revenue source are ads. You need massive amounts of traffic to make even small amounts of money (think tens of dollars per month). You can't get massive amounts of traffic "blogging and writing stuff about anything".

Rate for ads are getting worse, adblockers are getting more and more popular and you're competing with polished operations like buzzfeed that suck the air out of the ecosystem.

This is not to say that no one ever made money from blogging, just that there are easier and more reliable ways of making money, like writing utility software.

It'll take you a lot of time and graft. You'll probably have to make 'friends' with people with the same interests to force a bit of virality in a certain space. The easiest wins would not be by blogging about 'anything' but by focusing on a small, defined community, think blogging about being vegan or surfing. Random op-eds about the alt-right, cats, gender issues are a dime a dozen.

If you gain enough followers, you can make serious money. Like with almost anything, it takes time, effort, and some money to get to the level when you can quit your full time job.

As a blogger you will have to produce content interesting enough to a large audience. You will have competition in pretty much every niche.

Take a look at https://steemit.com It's a blogging / social media platform built on a blockchain that rewards quality content with cryptocurrency.

Some people make hundreds of dollars per post.

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