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Ask HN: Best tools/services for a new US startup?
1 point by simonebrunozzi on Aug 8, 2017 | hide | past | favorite
Hi there, I am incorporating my new startup (after using a temporary company for a few months), and I am going through the usual process of picking service providers (lawyer, CPA, etc) and tools (HR, payroll, equity, etc). The company will be the usual Delaware C-Corp, with offices and HQ in Silicon Valley.

I have some obvious, easy picks (e.g. eShares), but I would be happy to get advice from you on everything else. Important areas: insurance, HR, payroll, healthcare (super important), bank account (super important!), expenses.

Let me also know if you know an amazing CPA that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, with some international experience. Our team is currently in SF, NY, Europe, and soon in a few other countries in Europe, and potentially Argentina and Iceland a bit later on.

(small shameless plug): What do we do? We want to reinvent how cities are built and operated, trying to make the world a better place for a lot of people.

I don't want to post any link as you might find it "spammy", but let me know if you're curious and you want to hear more.

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