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Show HN: Likes|Digest – Weekly email digest+searchable list of tweets you liked (likesdigest.com)
2 points by alc90 on Aug 8, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

As a random user that sees the website for the first time promoting the "12 Startups in 6 Months" is actually off-putting. It's clear the service costs money but unclear if you maintain it long-term or have jumped to the next project within a month. Nothing against your challenge, it's great, HN folks will admire that, just end-users can see that negative.

Link to your twitter account is broken.

The reason I haven't clicked 'sign up' is I'd like to see a preview, any preview, before giving access to my account. Can the website ask for my twitter handle and crawl my recent likes as a start? Or a screenshot of somebody else's weekly email?

Ok, now I signed up. It presents me with an internal server error.

Hey - thanks for your feedback - I'll take a look and fix the problems. About the preview - that could be a good idea - I think I'll add an email example so the users can make an idea of what they'll get.

Sign up now should work - hope you'll try the app one more time :D

Cheers and thanks for your feedback.

Hey there - my name is Alin and today I wanted to share with you Likes|Digest - a weekly email digest & a searchable list of your Twitter likes - the second project for my personal challenge - "12 Startups in 6 Months".

I wanted to build Likes|Digest because I often times I like different tweets as a way of bookmarking - but never get back to them.

So I thought that a weekly email reminder with all of these likes could at lest help me take another look over it. And since Twitter doesn't provide a search feature for all this likes I've also added a search feature (which is still a work in progress).

Would love to get your opinnion on it.

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