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Ask HN: What do I do with my unpaid internship?
1 point by throwawaysl__ on Aug 8, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Hi HN,

Context: I'm an experienced web and iOS developer, from a third world country. I've been freelancing for over three years now, and since I've taken up iOS development - it's been difficult to find work in that domain.

So, I ended up combing through Angel List, and found a startup that was hiring for iOS. It was based outside of my country, in a first world nation, and ended up interviewing with them. What they mentioned was an 8-week unpaid internship, which I wasn't okay with. This was similar to spec work from clients, and I'm aware of how toxic it is both to the industry and to myself.

But without much options, since the startup claimed that there is a full-time opportunity at the end of the internship, I decided I'll take it up, although reducing the term to 6-weeks instead. I'm in a place where leaving the country is my priority, so this seemed like a possible solution at the time.

Problem: 3 weeks in, and I feel no drive to continue working for no money, I could instead work on my pet projects. I brought this up to the founders, and they said that bringing that up was already a flag because I was enquiring about finances. I know I'm being played for work here. But There are 3 more weeks left before which they could potentially make an offer, which I presume is largely going to be based on equity from what I've gathered so far. Now, I'm not interested in that at the moment. I need the money to pay my bills, and I've burned 3 weeks already.

I have signed a contract with the company for 6 weeks, but have no drive to continue work with them.

I've learned a lesson here. But should I wait it out for 6 weeks before I get out, or what kind of consequences will there be if I choose to get out before that?

Any advice is appreciated.

P.S: If you're a company looking to hire interns, and not pay them/pay them in equity -- Please don't.

Are you sure this 6-week contract is valid at all? Because in the US (since you never provided any information about where you are, I assume typical US arrogance) I hear that a contract is only valid if both sides get something out of it.

It's outside of the US. I'm sorry, but I don't want to disclose the location.

Dude, how the heck do you expect any sensible advice on your contract if you don't want to disclose what laws are you subject to?

Sorry, that makes sense. It's Scandinavia if that helps.

I took an unpaid intership, did my best and they started to pay me some bonuses (we were 4 doing the intership and only I got paid), at the end (after 270h) I got a 6 month contract and Im still working there.

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