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It's not particularly fascinating for anyone who's kept an eye out for Coinbase's business practices. Most people who've used or heard about using them during any sort of price fluctuations (transactions delayed until the dust settles, after which they "conveniently" made a loss or only a slight win even before fees) would not have been surprised and likely could have guessed that this is how they'd approach the fork.

Pretending like you're "staying out of it" works 9 times out of 10 for businesses, but in this case it's pretty transparent that they're banking on the ignorance/apathy of users who decide to leave their funds with CB despite warnings so that CB can trade or even pocket the BCH and profit off of deciding based on future price information.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them cross the line into out-and-out fraud someday. Until then, I'd keep my money somewhere else.

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