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Breaking the cycle of compulsive checking and distracted browsing is important to me.

There are two places I consume content:

  1. When working at the computer, I read from Pocket
    (or Kindle Cloud Reader), and
  2. After hours, I read only my Kindle Paperwhite.
The discovery and delivery for me:

  - Stream RSS feeds (HN[*], Xkcd, local news, etc.) to Pocket
    (possible with IFTTT)
  - Add links from coworkers to Pocket
  - Buy books for Kindle
  - Subscribe to The Economist[†] weekly on Kindle
  - Use Pocket to Kindle nightly[‡]
    p2k creates an e-book from random unread articles in Pocket
    archives them, then delivers to Kindle at a set time.
So, in the evenings on my Kindle, I have a mix of articles to read from Pocket (delivered at 5pm) and The Economist, plus other books, but much less rabbit-trail browsing and wandering the web.

* I filter HN by points using https://edavis.github.io/hnrss/

† The Economist has a "The World This Week" section that sums up the world's politics and business from the previous week with a paragraph for each subject, and it's more refined and less sensational than the daily news cycle. It's enough to keep me in the loop, and there are more interesting articles deeper within the magazine.


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