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July 2017 Hacker News Hiring Trends (hntrends.com)
154 points by sndean on Aug 1, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 43 comments

It seems like time of mainstream native mobile apps development is over. I used to get a multiple job/contract offers every week to write another iOS app, but they stop coming during last year. Nowadays I might get one offer every other month or so.

Does anybody else feels it same or is it just my own case?

I've had the same feeling here.

According to Indeed.com's Job Trends, its a real thing:


I got laid off a month and a half ago. Usually when I'm looking for work it takes less than a month. For whatever reason I'm still looking now.

I hope I don't have to switch over to react.

Interesting. Do you think React native has something to do with this?

No idea. Contracts I am seeing nowadays all seems to be all about web apps and mobile apps are afterthougts. From about 2012 - 2016 it was all about mobile first strategy.

I doubt it's related at all. A client probably wouldn't specifically ask for a "React Native" app.

I would think this trend has more to due with app marketplace saturation.

True but the consulting firm/company might find it cheaper and easier to find 'react native' devs than a swift programmer.

"Passionate" is down five points over last month.

Summertime :)

I wish you could also see raw values of those posts, some things I could not draw a conclusion from it.

Example: Rails took a huge percentage hit (-12%), still node.js only got up (+3%), so is web jobs disappearing? or new jobs being created and the market expanding (Machine learning & AI)? Node is going up, React is going up, but Javascript in going down... what gives?

Author here, the Rails drop was a strange one, since it just had a strong June, from 85 postings in June to 59 in July with similar total posting counts in both months. From what I've seen over the years, month to month changes can be hard to explain, so will see if it becomes a trend.

The raw data used for the chart is available in the GitHub repo or in the JS file.

* https://www.hntrends.com/data/data-20170702.js * https://github.com/ryanwi/hiringtrends/blob/master/web/data/

Javascript going down could just be a case that the job posters are assuming for all the JS libraries (node.js/React) that you know JS and not posting it in their Ad.

I don't think that the rails hit, is the result of fewer web jobs. I think it's more a case of the web is transitioning into more JS led architecture.

APIs are even more important for SPAs. It's not like more rich JS front ends obviate the backend.

using node.js, your backend can be JS

I noticed the same trend on StackOverflow careers, it's down about the same percentage comparing to a year ago. Rails is not as exciting anymore. Ruby meetups in my city(Montreal) have less attendants than the new Elixir meetup.


It looks like there is some correlation between passionate and python: https://www.hntrends.com/2017/july.html?compare1=passionate&...

Maybe it's the alliteration.

The commentary about vue.js doesn't seem to be backed up by the data: https://www.hntrends.com/2017/july.html?compare1=React&compa...

Author here. Good point, I saw it pop up on the "rising" tab and made a quick assumption. Vue had 7 postings, ranking it 84th in July vs 0 postings last July. Compared with React's 146 postings, it does indeed have a long way to go, but it could still knock React from the #1 spot this year I think.

I quickly verified with some Chrome CTRL+F action on the "Who Is Hiring" HN thread described in this post that this is mostly accurate information per the data set. Many hat tips to you good sir, thank you.

Very thorough. Congrats.

Thank you!

Im surprised PHP isn't among the top few...

I'd say it's because HN is a bit of a "hipster" crowd and there are more startups, with fresh stacks that want to use new exciting technologies, than corporations with a "solid" base.

I wouldn't regard PHP as solid or corporate. Rather it's usually a sign of a business which started out as a website made by less-technical people. (Which can be the best kind to join as a technical person, as it means your skills are likely to be complementary to what they already have).

It demonstrates that their product is old and web-based, yes, but not that it was put together by less-technical people. In the mid-2000s, PHP held like 80+% of the server-side programming language market, ASP was in the mid 10s, leaving every other language to fight for the remaining 5% or so.

I don't see how it demonstrates that it's old. I still constantly talk with very new startups that are using PHP.

that explains Python which I suppose includes Django, and Vue.js

Vue is backend agnostic. You can use it with anything.

I think that the parent post could be better written as:

> Python (which I suppose includes Django), and Vue.js

it's too easy to read it as:

> Python (which I suppose includes Django, and Vue.js)

Are any of these companies worried that their use of React constrains them legally?


Of the many, many risks faced by startups, this is one of the smaller ones.

Doubt it. See 'React, Facebook, and the Revocable Patent License. Why It’s a Paper Tiger': https://medium.com/@dwalsh.sdlr/react-facebook-and-the-revok...

Thanks for sharing. I contribute to an Apache project that uses React and it's been a pain.

No probs, OOI what has your project decided to do? Is switching to Preact deemed acceptable?

So far as I can tell, just ignore it, which is worrying.


Ah :) ty.

I think:

> I contribute to an Apache project

Has been the primary souce of pain

The React license makes it hard on exactly one group: companies who are interested in filing or buying patents so they can wield those patents proactively—i.e., go after someone for infringement. For anyone else, the terms are effectively a NOP; there's no ill effect.

Given that the popular opinion in the circles that matter seems to be anti-patent, the really surprising thing is to see this blip where popular opinion inverts itself and throws in on the pro-patent side. More than anything else, the negative reaction to React licensing seems to have more to do with anti-Facebook sentiment being stronger than folks' feelings towards patents, rather than any real reversal towards seeing patents positively.

I'm not that much of Go fan but I'm surprised its not on the top 20 list even if it is mainly startups hiring.

Go's probably the most underrepresented, since it currently only counts by the full "golang" term. I need to update the script to find capital G "Go".

I think the numbers are skewed somewhat because of the kinds of teams where Go is used. This is just my observation but more Go usage seems to happening on infrastructure/operations/DevOps teams, where it is used for system automation, metrics, networking montioring, etc. These teams are typically have a fraction of the staffing of companies' greater software developer organizations and thus, the jobs are not as numerous.

I'm surprised Angular 2/4 is not an option on the list.

Lovely that PHP has been relegated from programming language to framework.

Right, it's not a perfect fit, but I put it up against the main Web frameworks as those are what PHP competes with.

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