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"almost always" atomicity means "not atomic". (if i guess correctly, there is no stage/commit phase for data mutations in the aof persistence, so i believe incremental changes are written to the AOF as the script runs so you can have partially-applied updates on restore if your redis process dies in the middle of executing a watch/multi/exec or lua script.) also, instances die all the time.

Hello, I'm not sure of the setup Redis Labs is using, but vanilla Redis AOF does not allow partially-applied updates. Not for Redis transactions (MULTI/EXEC) nor with scripting. The same happens in the replication channel. In order to enforce this, Redis goes a very long way to avoid partial applications of Lua scripts, more info are in the EVAL page and in the -BUSY error in case of scripts not returning that already made writes.

ah, thank you. I should have checked the docs! It is nice to know that you are writing the script and multi/exec semantics into the AOF log (at least in the default config) and that my guess is wrong.

I still wonder what the details are around the "almost" in "almost always" and stand by the conclusion that "almost atomic" is not the same as "atomic".

My best guess is that the author is referring to the fact that there are no rollbacks in Redis transactions, but I'm not sure. I'll try to ask internally. Thanks!

> also, instances die all the time

This where the durability argument has a problem as well.

At a first glance, this looks like an un-replicated system, which means that the loss of an instance is an availability nightmare.

The worrying quote from the article for me is this one

>> With Redis Enterprise, it is easy to create a master-only cluster and have all shards run on the same node

Another node has to be brought in and attached to the same network disk to restore access to that key range?

500k+ ops/sec is nothing to laugh about on a single node with 1:1 read-write ratios, however the fragility of this system is concerning.

Half a decade ago, I was working with row-level atomic ops in ZBase/Membase (set-with-cas[1]), which gets away with using replication instead of an ssd backing the durability of operations + an fsync - the 99% latencies were at 3-4ms, but the scalability and availability were baked in.

[1] - https://github.com/zbase/documentation/wiki/Data-Integrity

I'm not sure how the append only mode works but I tried to run a script (appendfsync directive set to always) which sets a new key in an endless loop and kill the server in the middle of the execution.

No changes are written to the AOF so I guess the operation is atomic.

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