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Be your own VPN provider with OpenBSD (v2) (networkfilter.blogspot.com)
18 points by tg180 on July 18, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Does anyone know if there is a UFW equivalent for BSD? Dealing with PF configuration is a nightmare.

The example given is overly complicated and would end up being at least as verbose with other frameworks, even when using something like ufw. You can create a safe and secure IKEv1 IPSec VPN host by adding a single line to the default /etc/pf.conf file,

  pass out on egress from to any nat-to egress
a few lines in /etc/ipsec.conf,

  # OS X 10.10 only supports SHA1 and group modp1024 :(
  ike passive esp tunnel proto udp \
    from $ext_ip to any \
    main auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
    quick auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
    psk $ext_psk
and edit or modify /etc/sysctl.conf to enable the relevant kernel features,

You'll need to edit 1 or 2 lines in /etc/npppd/npppd.conf if you want to change the DHCP subnet pool or DNS server (OpenBSD's default unbound is perfectly acceptable), and add or edit a couple of lines in /etc/npppd/npppd-users to set a VPN user name and password. Of course you'll need to enable the relevant services. /etc/rc.conf.local on one of my boxes looks like:

Using certificate authentication for IKE auth is just as simple, although as always X.509 certificate creation can be confusing for the uninitiated.

Setting up IKEv2 + IPSec on OpenBSD (iked instead of isakmpd) is even easier because it takes npppd out of the equation entirely. Instead of editing ipsec.conf, npppd.conf, or npppd-users, just put something like this into /etc/iked.conf

  user "foo" "my secret"
  ikev2 "roaming" passive esp \
    from to local egress peer any \
    ikesa auth hmac-sha2-512 enc aes-128 prf hmac-sha2-512 group modp2048 \
    childsa enc aes-128-gcm group modp2048 \
    srcid my.host.name \
    eap "mschap-v2" \
    config address \
    config name-server
In the above I would just create a loopback device (/etc/hostname.lo1) with the address and add "interface:" to /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf.

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