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I honestly think your employers have been super generous already, one ought to know what is expected of him/her and realise they shouldn't leave themselves open to criticism by abusing the trust of the employer, always be in a positive balance, put in more than you take out and make sure it gets visibility.

I wouldn't keep someone who is not performing for whatever reason, because by the time I lose trust in that person, in my mind he's pretty much out of the door. Because this is business , it's not a charity , one is responsible for their own life.

As for those who say ' company culture and fairness ' I say your competitors are already eating your lunch

If a boat veers off course and you don't touch the tiller, you're a bad sailor.

If an employee veers off course and you wait until you're ready to terminate them before you say anything, you're a bad manager.

And it's not always them, it's sometimes you. Have you never thrived under one manager, been reshuffled and then suffered under another?

Mediocrity cannot be remedied, unless you are a big company where you have dedicated departments to cater for these sort of people ( and by the way, they aim to accomplish the same outcome, just a little bit slower and more paperwork). All I am saying is, an employee has no business performing a job he/she cannot do unless he is a trainee with a good attitude. I leave this comment section with one last nugget of wisdom :

There are more skilled and deserving individuals looking for jobs that they can't get because a bad manager is holding on to a mediocre employee.

"Mediocrity cannot be remedied"

Nobody said anything about mediocrity, and nowhere in the story does it say that quality of work was the reason for the PIP.

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