FWIW, I disagree with virtually everything you've written on this thread, but haven't downvoted you once.
Even for those who realize votes are about as valuable as a warm bucket of spit, it can submarine comments into oblivion, ensuring that fewer people see dissenting ideas. I don't care about votes, but I do take time to comment to engage in discussion.
Downvoting over disagreement is silly, counter-productive, discourages free expression, and encourages group-think.
This is true, even if a decade old pg post endorsed downvoting as a means of disagreement.
FWIW, I disagree with virtually everything you've written on this thread, but haven't downvoted you once.
Even for those who realize votes are about as valuable as a warm bucket of spit, it can submarine comments into oblivion, ensuring that fewer people see dissenting ideas. I don't care about votes, but I do take time to comment to engage in discussion.
Downvoting over disagreement is silly, counter-productive, discourages free expression, and encourages group-think.
This is true, even if a decade old pg post endorsed downvoting as a means of disagreement.