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Yes, but I'd have to sell this huge house first :-(

I have lived in places at the extremes of size. From NYC to where I am now: a small farm in Minnesota. It's easy to live on $1.5k in a nice part of Minneapolis. Even with a mortgage and car payment my monthly burn wasn't much more than that when I lived there.

I absolutely love it out here and never want to live in a city again. But have you ever lived outside a city or suburb before? There are drawbacks that aren't immediately obvious: no or very few good restaurants if there are any at all; everything is spaced farther apart; if you have an emergency help may not be close at hand; trivial things like making sure your car has enough gas become important when there isn't a gas station on every other block.

There is a campaign running now in the Duluth area called "Offshore to the North Shore" or something like that which plays up that the North shore of Lake Superior (most beautiful area of the state, BTW) has a low cost of living and well trained people and can be cost-competitive with offshoring. Maybe they can offer some relocation literature?

Not to be a booster for my state, but Duluth, MN is the gateway to enormous tracts of unspoiled wilderness and has plenty of affordable rental housing, culture, an international seaport and a few colleges. Might be worth a look.

I currently live in Minnesota and am hoping to get better plugged into the tech scene? Do you know of any specific groups or places where I can find entrepreneurs?

Check out TECHdotMN. They have a Google calendar that is full of events. RubyMN, MinneBar, MinneDemo and CodeCamp are all good events.


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