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> I can’t see anything in this container

This is only a myth because of the full os base images - which not every container has. And frequently, the more minimal base images are missing a lot of useful tooling, so it's still an issue.

> Docker hardly works on macOS and Windows

Docker for mac is still not very reliable. Shared volumes (related to IDE and DB "myths") frequently get "stuck", it still occasionally consumes a full core of CPU, and finding a shared port (say, for remote debugging) is still a pain.

It's a useful tool, but for reliable development I still prefer a normal local environment; going back to Docker when I'm done developing and am ready to do a release.

> And frequently, the more minimal base images are missing a lot of useful tooling, so it's still an issue.

Oh yeah, I know that problem. This happened to me a while ago:

Me: "Hm, that container is having trouble."

  $ kubectl logs my-container-24fa8
  ERROR: cannot connect to theotherthing.example.corp:443
Me: "Let's see if DNS is working from the container."

  $ kubectl exec -ti my-container-24fa8 bash
  kubectl: bash: command not found
  $ kubectl exec -ti my-container-24fa8 sh
  sh$ dig A theotherthing.example.corp
  sh: dig: command not found
  sh$ host theotherthing.example.corp
  sh: host: command not found
  sh$ nslookup theotherthing.example.corp
  sh: nslookup: command not found
  sh$ ls /bin /usr/bin
  sh$ openssl s_client -connect theotherthing.example.corp:443
But I still build my containers on an Alpine base, because the datacenter on the literal other side of the planet has such a shitty link that if the image is 100 MB (rather than 10 MB), it will take multiple minutes to download it on all nodes, even though we have a Squid proxy in place for that in every DC.

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