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Why would a representative leave so much influence in the hands of a girl in her middle twenties who's dumb enough to doll out influence to bringers of chocolate?

Manipulating people with favors is easy, even if they're very intelligent. The schedulers are likely not even giving favorable treatment consciously. The chocolate or whatever simply serves to build a positive association with the name of the person who will be calling to ask for a meeting later.

It's not dumb at all. It's helping people who are polite and considerate to you.

If every interaction you have with someone is positive, when they ask for a small favor that is 100% part of your job anyway, of course you say yes.

What's dumb about it? It's called greasing the wheel. You want to get the meeting over every other asshole who wants a meeting. Who gets the meeting, gets the laws.

The girl is dumb for playing loose with American legislation for fucking chocolates.

This whole phenomenon is over your head, isn't it?

All girls in their mid 20's are dumb. Thanks for the relevation. Also all the power they have is of scheduling. Not making laws.

I didn't say all girls in their mid 20's are dumb. It's been suggested in the post above that scheduling is where the power lies.

But are they aware they have this much power? I'd imagine someone in their mid 20's who is easily swayed by chocolate and restaurant suggestions doesn't understand the full gravity of what their position entails.

They may not necessarily be dumb, but it does sound like they're minimally naive.

I'd say them not being aware makes them dumb. Like how can you not have a clue in that position and chase chocolates. You're mid-twenties, fully grown, and dumb.

the question seems reductive enough to be a nonsequitur.

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