I don't know if you'd be interested, but I used to have exactly that kind of behavior--almost reflexively checking my phone at the first sense of downtime. I got an Apple Watch when it first came out and it has helped curb that behavior dramatically.
I can see at a glance of my wrist that I have no notifications, and it'll tap my wrist if I do, so I almost never need to pull out my phone. I'm still just as "connected," but it really did cut down use of my phone to clear tasks and extended boredom.
For me, airplaning would add stress in that I'd have that nagging feeling that I'm missing something important.
I can see at a glance of my wrist that I have no notifications, and it'll tap my wrist if I do, so I almost never need to pull out my phone. I'm still just as "connected," but it really did cut down use of my phone to clear tasks and extended boredom.
For me, airplaning would add stress in that I'd have that nagging feeling that I'm missing something important.