Back in 1999 I managed a similar thing written in C with flat file storage. The whole tool chain chucked out a static binary and a directory full of templates and you just cp'ed it to the target and restarted the process.
When I look back I've got to be honest and say that it was actually a thing of beauty. The heavy lifting required for some core functions was quite bad but the whole thing pales in comparison to some of the enterprise and microservice based c# behemoths I have looked after since which require literally hours of head scratching to deliver a simple change.
I'd rather spend that time writing C than scratching my head. I'd have a lot more hair now.
I have actually tried that and you're right. The whole experience made me consider going back to electrical engineering when I realised that the status quo hadn't improved in 20 years :)
Yes indeed, oldies but goodies. This combo is still available and maintained, well, at least in the form of naviserver. Tcl of course has continued in active development and as useful as ever.