I wanted to see it in graph form, so a wrote I did pretty much the same but printed a dot code and piped that into dot. It was a disaster: A huge, unreadable mess. Try yourself if you're feeling adventurous:
import json
with open('base.560.json') as f:
base = json.load(f)
with open('names.560.json') as f:
names = json.load(f)
print('digraph {')
for elnum, name in names.items():
print(f'e{elnum} [label="{name}"];')
for elnum, body in base.items():
for el1, el2 in body.get('parents', ()):
print(f'e{el1} -> e{elnum};')
print(f'e{el2} -> e{elnum};')
# python3.6 code.py | dot -Tpng dot.png