I'm working with some fairly new technology (k8s). There's a lot of simple things that can be done with a few minutes work. I've already got a blanket signoff to contribute to upstream repos, but today I found something that would work best if I release a new repo. I'd like to do it from a corporate perspective, because I think it would be good citizenship, however, we don't have a general policy for how public releases are managed.
Does your company have a general open source release policy? Does it include different patterns for contributing to an existing project, vs creating a new project? What about small vs. large projects; i.e. a small module for common use (leftpad) vs a larger project expecting a community (tools like Envoy, Kubernetes)
If there's examples of open source policies we could simply adopt, that'd be great, too.
I'm pretty sure the public release committee would explode if you described pushing commits to a public repo.
For legal reasons I doubt this will change anytime in the near future.