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There Was No ‘Golden Age’ of Air Travel (nytimes.com)
8 points by tokenadult on May 28, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Everything about the article contradicts the premise it puts forward. There genuinely was a "Golden Age" in the Supply-Demand-Means dynamic. Now, any nobody can jet set off to Raleigh-Durham.

Air travel sucks now, and it's mostly to do with the cattle car mentality. Thanks a lot, actuaries. Short sonsofbitches.

Air travel being priced so that you (not to mention I and anyone else) can enjoy it reasonably often seems to be a good thing, not a bad thing.

For me, the race to the bottom went too far. I try to avoid flying now. The hard and narrow seats, ever-decreasing legroom, lack of recline, constant densification, buy-on-board food, airports disguised as shopping centres, expensive airport parking, fare increases (i.e. same/more money for less). What's the point of a holiday if you dread the beginning and end?

That's what you get if you want a cheap ticket. Comfort and style are still available if you pony up some $$$ and fly on a charter jet.

I agree with you, I also try to avoid flying. But somehow more people are flying now than ever, and it's because of price and convenience.

It's only so because the global warming externalities are not priced in. And it's a very bad thing.

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