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This is a little frustrating. Don’t get me wrong, the site should definitely exist and serves a useful purpose. My criticism comes when I read that they have ~300 employees. They are ranked 1,269 globally on Alexa. Craigslist is ranked 99 globally with only 30 employees. Even more so, on Glassdoor their benefits include “Fully stocked kitchen with everything you can imagine, catered dinners, massages, game room, nap room, open and comfortable work space.” [1]

“The world is kind of in the shitter and Change.org could be the world’s greatest plunger.” Not if it continues being a bloated company focused on recouping their massive expenses.

[1] https://www.glassdoor.com/Benefits/Change-org-US-Benefits-EI...

Not every company is Craigslist or aspires to be. It can be argued that if Cragislist had more employees they could do more for their users.

Definitely, it’s not a perfect comparison — it just seems to me that a company with somewhat low revenue and an altruistic mission should do everything it can to be lean.

Unfortunately that's quite a hard problem. I'm not saying this applies to Change.org as I hardly know it, but cutting corners doesn't necessarily lead to spending less money. Charities in general often have this problem of having to minimise "overhead" to remain in the public's favour, resulting in overqualified people wasting a lot of their time on e.g. simple administrative tasks because that way it doesn't count as overhead.

Microsoft has tens of thousands. Does Windows do more for its users than Ubuntu Linux?


Yes, without a doubt.

Your post is great, well made and articulated, sort of the anti-plunger post.

They competing for talent who expect all of those perks as standard. It's a smart move.

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