Yep, ConceptNet Numberbatch is my work too, and it's been the most effective way to show that knowledge graphs matter -- that there is more to know about word relationships than you can get from distributional semantics ("word2vec") alone.
I'd be interested to hear about what you're doing with it.
In my company Luminoso's work, it's important in building domain-specific models that can be used for topic detection, search, and classification. Beyond that, I use it for mostly the basic demos -- word similarity, text similarity, analogies, et cetera.
I believe based on its performance there that it should be a pure upgrade to the kind of applications that use word2vec, but I'd like to know what particular applications it's being used in besides my own.
Just today I was using the multilingual Conceptnet-numberbatch word vectors[1], which would not be possible without your work.
To your point though - you can use Amazon S3 as a seed for Bitorrent downloads, which might help some and reduce what you pay. See [2]