You shouldn't take life so seriously, you are putting too much pressure on you. Take your time, learn more about things you want to be good at. If you need money, borrow things instead of buying them and live simply. Don't try to amass $1m, try $5 first. The first money you'll get for your project feel really great already. $1m is not a goal that you can act on to make it happens right now.
If you can't get people to work with you, may be you can get to work with them. Great people may need someone to help with some projects. Be indulgent, help others, if they have lesser capacity than you do (on some things, they'll be better than you on other things ).
The trading textbook website is a good idea. I can feel how this idea came from your experience, and trying to solve an issue for yourselves is a good way to start a project.
If you can't get people to work with you, may be you can get to work with them. Great people may need someone to help with some projects. Be indulgent, help others, if they have lesser capacity than you do (on some things, they'll be better than you on other things ).
The trading textbook website is a good idea. I can feel how this idea came from your experience, and trying to solve an issue for yourselves is a good way to start a project.