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Under capitalism the people at the very bottom have it much better than they ever have had it, just like the rest of the population. And things continue to improve.

In fact it's plausible that as automation picks up it's the people at the bottom who will stand to gain the most.

I assume you're talking about bottom income bracket. I was not. I was talking about bottom in terms of power. Income is only one form of power. The people truly at the bottom are being held there by triangulated cultural practices. Capitalism is not seeking to lift them up because they serve a crucial purpose as a warning to those who might question the social order.

I am thinking of people at the intersection of some combination of poverty, domestic violence, addiction, racism, gender politics, etc. One or two of these issues can be overcome, but when you pile several into one family you get a machine that can be permanently stuck in suffering.

"I am thinking of people at the intersection of some combination of poverty, domestic violence, addiction, racism, gender politics, etc."

Have you ever met any of these people? Domestic violence, addiction, poverty; anyone with that trifecta is probably not a very pleasant person to know, much less employ. Giving people with an addiction more resources is not going to help them unless you're talking about opening up a methadone clinic, which is plenty compatible with capitalism.

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