It doesn't look like there's a binary you can just install yet, but if you grab a (free) Safari Extension Developer certificate from you can build/install it yourself. It seems nicer than the old SIMBL adblock stuff, and will presumably be kept fresh because it's used by Chrome users too.
I'm still looking for a "keyword in location bar -> expand an URL" extension. E.g., typing "wiki foobar" in the location bar expands it to " automatically. Is there one of those for Safari 5 yet?
It doesn't look possible right now. I've looked through the extension docs (, and the overall architecture is very similar to Chrome's. Safari extensions are essentially user scripts with a limited API for access to the UI and user data; if Apple doesn't provide an API hook for a given UI feature, the extension can't touch it. SafariTabs would be possible to implement if Safari fired events when tabs and windows are closed, but it currently doesn't.
Despite every release of Safari reducing the feature set of SafariTabs (which is good), I've had a load of requests for an updated version. It should be available within the next couple of days:
Safari 5 actually introduced support for extensions. They were not possible before. What was possible before were plug-ins, but they were and are unsupported by Apple, and required coding in Objective-C instead of HTML and JavaScript, which more people know.
It doesn't look like there's a binary you can just install yet, but if you grab a (free) Safari Extension Developer certificate from you can build/install it yourself. It seems nicer than the old SIMBL adblock stuff, and will presumably be kept fresh because it's used by Chrome users too.
I'm still looking for a "keyword in location bar -> expand an URL" extension. E.g., typing "wiki foobar" in the location bar expands it to " automatically. Is there one of those for Safari 5 yet?