I already encounter similar case with the overuse of unnecessary visual effects, anti adblock and other dark patterns.
3 things can happen:
- I use firebug to fix this
- I look at source and extract the URL to actual content
- I change my user-agent to that of the bot that indexed the content
But 99% of the time I don't waste my time with this useless piece of crap and move to the next thing.
0,0001% of the time I sent an informative email to the abuse or contact citing the relevant piece of legislation explaining how this is illegal and what the punishment for this could be.
3 things can happen: - I use firebug to fix this
- I look at source and extract the URL to actual content
- I change my user-agent to that of the bot that indexed the content
But 99% of the time I don't waste my time with this useless piece of crap and move to the next thing. 0,0001% of the time I sent an informative email to the abuse or contact citing the relevant piece of legislation explaining how this is illegal and what the punishment for this could be.