> >Is there interest on your side in adopting Chromium as a runtime? There's some existing documentation [2] around the API and embedding, but admittedly, this would be some work.
> We are interested. But I am afraid not in the current state. Currently, PhantomJS heavily relies on Qt and QtWebKit. It's not that easy to adopt Chrome as a new runtime.
> But I think we could implement PhantomJS as a completely new (with the same API) project that will use Chrome - Phantomium!
> >Is there interest on your side in adopting Chromium as a runtime? There's some existing documentation [2] around the API and embedding, but admittedly, this would be some work.
> We are interested. But I am afraid not in the current state. Currently, PhantomJS heavily relies on Qt and QtWebKit. It's not that easy to adopt Chrome as a new runtime.
> But I think we could implement PhantomJS as a completely new (with the same API) project that will use Chrome - Phantomium!