Hah, I always suspected that authors of Golem.de are visiting HN. Congratulations for your finding! It is sad that Ask.com did not react. I thought that journalists would have a better chance to provoke responses.
A surprisingly large amount of search queries are "You+have+no+items+in+your+shopping+cart", "Powered+by+Zen+Cart+%22Would+you+like+to+log", "%22site+magento%22+inurl%3A%2Findex.php%2Fadmin", "%22By+zen+cart%22++site%3A.de&" etc.
Seems like a bug in some shopping portal package, but it's still very weird.
So apart from the fact this should be there; how did someone find this in the first place?
From my quick looking around - it seems that Apache has "/server-status" as a module - so you could hit all domains via a bit and see if any have it turned on?
Although it doesn't seem to have any identifiable info, it still seems like way too much info to be publicly accessible. Not just the searches, but the PIDs, the Apache version, etc. This seems like it should be behind a firewall or only internally accessible.
I tried to inform ask.com and my colleague tried again. No reaction.