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You didn't tell why you feel an "urge" to stay later at work.

My advice is to come into work early.

The tech field is especially lax in time. The majority of my jobs have been 10-6, where my current job is "come in sometime before 10 and 11".

The problem with this is you feel you now need to stay late into the night. You came in at 10:30? Well, I guess it's understandable to be here until 7. This is how paradigms eventually shift to allowing yourself to work until 8pm or later, even if it means you've now worked a 10 hour day.

I agree with a few of the commenters here who talk about routine.

If you show others that you are coming in late, then they expect you to work late.

If you show others that you are there before they are, then it's more reasonable in their minds that you leave before they do.

If you continually show up early to work, then people will not even question or think about it that you leave early (or on time).

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